Dentists typically don’t extract teeth unless they cannot be saved using one or more procedures. Now that you know a tooth extraction in Los Angeles, CA is imminent, now is the time to prepare for it. Once the tooth is out, the following will ensure that the gum heals without complications.
The dentist will use something to deaden the gum for the duration of the extraction. As the feeling returns, you will likely experience some discomfort. Use an over the counter pain reliever recommended by the dentist. The goal is to ease the discomfort while avoiding anything that might thin the blood.
Many people experience no more than minor swelling with an extraction. Those who notice the area is swollen will want to do something to calm the inflammation. Along with recommended pain relievers, consider applying an ice pack for periods of twenty minutes at a time. If you don’t have any ice packs, a bag of frozen peas will work just as well.
The dentist will recommend that you keep the area clean. This reduces the risk of bacteria getting into the open socket. Mouthwash can be used two or three times a day for the next couple of days. As the tissue takes on the firmness of the rest of the gum, you can go back to using mouthwash once a day.
Talk with the dentist for other tips on how to manage in the days following the tooth extraction in Los Angeles, CA, including how long to avoid strenuous activities. It won’t take long until the socket is healed and things will be back to normal.
For more information, please contact Smile L.A. Downtown Modern Dentistry today.