The closed-mouth smile of Mona Lisa is often regarded as mysterious, but it could simply be that the model for Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting had bad teeth. That sort of tight-lipped smile is how people have always coped with the embarrassment of a...
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Choosing a Fantastic Dentist in Victorville
Choosing a great dentist is a very important decision because they work closely with their patients to help them have the best oral health. It is wise to choose a provider that makes their patients feel comfortable and relaxed. A Dentist in Victorville should offer a...
Things to Consider Regarding the Possibility of Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Wichita KS
Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Wichita KS is usually done by an oral surgeon, since it often involves having to remove impacted teeth. If the extraction is more straightforward, a family dentist or pediatric dentist often can do the task. Non-impacted wisdom teeth...
Sleep Dentistry in Garden City NY Makes Life Easier for Patients and Dentists
Sedation or sleep dentistry in Garden City NY helps patients get through dental treatments when they are anxious or have extensive dental work to be done. This does not involve becoming unconscious with the application of general anesthesia. Instead, a relatively mild...
Benefits of Dental Implants
Have you ever wondered why dental implants of often the first choice for individuals who have damaged or missing teeth? There are a number of reasons to seek out a dentist in Waikoloa and get back that confidence that you have been missing. Here are just a few of...