Not long ago, many individuals felt a trip to the dentist was an expensive luxury they didn’t necessarily need. Brushing and flossing were good enough unless something major happened. When teeth whitening products started flooding the market, and brilliantly bright smiles became a trend, people started to realize it took more than in-home products to create a beautiful and healthy smile. To achieve this desired look, professionals like a Family Dentist in Oyster Bay NY needed to first perform a thorough cleaning. After a visit, patients could walk away with a Hollywood-level smile while also bettering their oral health.
Standard oral health care and cosmetic dentistry go hand-in-hand. An experienced dentist won’t perform cosmetic procedures until a set of teeth is in the proper condition. This could mean a patient may need to undergo an extensive plaque removal and cavity filing, removal of any severely damaged or diseased teeth, or root planing and scaling to improve the health of the gums. A clean and disease-free smile presents the ideal conditions dentists need before administering cosmetic procedures.
In some cases these procedures are also deemed restorative and can be started right after initial care is performed. For example, porcelain crowns help to properly shape sensitive, chipped teeth that making chewing an unpleasant experience. Similarly, a dental bridge fills in the hole left by an extracted tooth, keeping teeth in place while allowing the patient eat normally. More information on these situations can be found if patients Visit the website. Viewing the pages covering dental services will provide them with information on what their situation may call for and what: processes with being involved in reaching their goal.
Dental work can be nerve-wracking for a lot of people, and clinics like Locust Valley Dental Group understand just how uneasy patients can get. To make the experience as comforting as possible, the Family Dentist in Oyster Bay NY has installed soft and relaxing treatment chairs, free WIFI for the patients to use, cable television with noise-canceling headphones that can be adjusted for usage during treatment, and the option of receiving nitrous oxide to calm nerves. Each person is also seen in an isolated room, so their experience doesn’t feel like they are part of an assembly line. These simple luxuries can easily make a dental visit much more bearable for any patient.