Every person that visits the dentist wonders what kind of mutilation they will see after sitting in the chair. Thanks to your local sedation in Ocala, people do not have to worry about the pain associated with dental procedures. This article will talk about dental implants and how sedation dentistry can help.
How long do dental implants have to heal and can the user wear a prosthesis during the healing period? Depending on the quality of bone mass, the number of implants, their length, and diameter, the healing period can vary widely. If conditions are ideal, an immediate loading implant may be possible. Otherwise, it takes six to twelve weeks before the implants are exposed and can be loaded. If bone reconstruction is required, the healing period lasts about six months. In most cases before implantation, dentists place a temporary prosthesis that is normally set up right after the procedure so the patient walks out with all their teeth. Having a sedation dentist in Ocala perform this procedure can greatly increase the chances of success.
Should an implant be placed for each missing tooth? No, bridges can also be mounted on implants to replace missing teeth. If all teeth are missing or should be removed, four implants are usually sufficient for a full bridge. Sedation plays a key role here due to various reasons. For one, most people hate going to their dentist. This is mainly due to an overactive imagination. Yes, there are some cases decades ago where people would walk out of their dentist’s office in more pain than they arrived with. Those days are long gone.
Speaking of sedation, do people need total anesthesia to install dental implants? Since the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia without pain, in principle, a general anesthetic is not required for simple installations. It is only needed for heavier operations, with implants placed in both jaws and/or for bone reconstruction. However, many patients prefer to opt for treatment under general anesthesia. A good solution is to be sedated with tranquilizers and/or laughing gas. Click here to learn more or visit your local dentist.