If grownups fear a visit to the dentist, consider how stressful a dental visit can be for children. For a child, a dental visit involves lying in an unfamiliar chair in a room filled with strange objects and noises, with a stranger poking their mouths with cold, metallic instruments. Children must visit the dentist many times in their early years as their teeth continue to grow and fall out. The following are things to make the process easier and less stressful.
Start young – Visit Lakeview dentists as soon as your child begins to get teeth. Starting them early will make them feel at ease.
Fun and Sensitive-Children feel more at ease when they visit a dentist that makes the experience comforting and fun. A dentist that jokes, talks to your child with ease, and makes them feel comfortable is a keeper. If children feel like they are having fun, then they will want to return for further care.
Prepare your child – Start preparing your child for the visit by talking to them about it. Keep the information and details short. Avoid offering unnecessary information that may scare your child or may not be appropriate for the visit. If they know what to expect it will make things easier.
Roleplay – If you have small children that will be going to the dentist, roleplay a dental visit out with them. Act like you are the dentist and they are the patient. When you pretend with them, they will know what to expect and they will think of it as having a good time. This will alleviate any fears they have when they visit their actual dentist.
No matter how well you prepare your child, be ready for some fussing. At Art of Modern Dentistry, we will take care to make your child comfortable during their appointment. Also like our Facebook page.